Benedict Williams   added new product for sale.
2 yrs



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In stock· New· Art Type: Artwork· Category: Painting· Genre: Abstract Art· Medium: Oil pastels· Techniques: · Style: Abstract· Skill: Professional· Dimension: 20 x 25 - Inches· Dispatch: 1 business day· Total Units: 1· Lagos· Lagos· Nigeria
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Artist Name
Benedict Williams

Artist Statement
We all go through the process of transformation like a butterfly breaks free from its cocoon. The process of life has its twist and turns but ultimately it helps us become the person we’ve always dreamt of.

Artist Bio

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Interpretation and clarity of the theme, to the viewer.


Creativity, uniqueness, and originality of the depicted theme.


Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.


Color and tone. Balance of image within its space.


What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole?


Overall, can the entire artwork be judged as a masterpiece?


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