Daughter Of Eve
Title: Daughter Of Eve
Size: 36 by 48 inches
Medium: Oil on canvas
Ships rolled in a tube
Have you seen her?
The woman, yes have you seen her?
Her gaze strikes a melting stare at her viewer,
The sight of her curves has the tongue of thirsty men in a frenzy
A sight to see, yet a vessel beyond touch,
What a tease!
you mean you haven't seen her?
she wears every of her flaws with a linen of pride,
in her womb, there exists a portal to life,
the earth sings, and the flowers dances to her kind,
Still you mean you haven't seen her?
Oh would you look in the mirror woman, She's you.
Artist Name
Amos Osemwengie
Artist Statement
A force for humanity, Beauty and Love.
Artist Bio
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Vote Breakdown
Interpretation and clarity of the theme, to the viewer.
Creativity, uniqueness, and originality of the depicted theme.
Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.
Color and tone. Balance of image within its space.
What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole?
Overall, can the entire artwork be judged as a masterpiece?