Amos Osemwengie   판매를 위해 새로운 제품을 추가했습니다.
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Blossom To Life


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Views: 3185
On Sale
재고· 새로운· Art Type: Artwork· Category: Painting· Genre: Post-Impressionism· Medium: Oil paint· Techniques: Impasto· Style: Contemporary Art· Skill: Professional· Dimension: 36 x 48 - Inches· Dispatch: 1–3 business days· Total Units: 1· Nigeria· Lagos· Nigeria
지금 구매 Gallery


Title: Blossom to Life
Size: 36 by 48 inches
Medium: Oil on canvas
Ships Rolled in a tube


Sing me my favorite song I have blossomed to life.
It is true, I was beaten and tossed to the ground,
it is true, I was screaming yet hurt by the sound.
But rooted was my faith and rooted was my mind,
rooted to the blessings of the divine.
Did you not see my flowers bloom through the night?
or my glower when it sprang in delight?
For bountiful is now the works of my hand,
the new butterfly whose cocoon was scarred.
Yes Yes I am dancing in light,
Sing me my favorite song I have blossomed to life.

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Artist Name
Amos Osemwengie

Artist Statement
A force for humanity, Beauty and Love.

Artist Bio

1 Votes

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Vote Breakdown

Interpretation and clarity of the theme, to the viewer.


Creativity, uniqueness, and originality of the depicted theme.


Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.


Color and tone. Balance of image within its space.


What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole?


Overall, can the entire artwork be judged as a masterpiece?


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