Oooh! Check it out. Book club time.
We are discussing this one in February!!! Folks are raving that it's good ao far! Discussion is happening second weekend of the month. Somto Ogbomor Ngozi O Chidinma Onyekonwu ifeoma adams Carolle Stremy
Oooh wee!!! This book is gonnna be fun to discuss this month. Chidinma Onyekonwu Ngozi O Somto Ogbomor ifeoma adams Read More
Oooh time for the October conversation this Saturday 10/12 at 10a PST.
The story follows Anna, a biracial woman who returns to her father's land in the Mother continent after growing up and living in the United Kingdom. Anna is determined to uncover the truth about her father's mysterious death and to reclaim her family's lost legacy.
So intriguing a story! Zoom link to come...
Somto Ogbomor ifeoma adams Ngozi O Ngozi Ojukwu Carolle Stremy
Peter Eneji Thank you.... This incredible piece is the talk of the office! Made such an amazing gift! Kene PL